Bluetooth, what is it and why did it replace old tech?

 Bluetooth has become more common as technology advances. From your car to your headphones, the wireless connection is the most convenient form of accessing your tech. How did this happen? What created the need for Bluetooth? 

How does Bluetooth work? 

Bluetooth is a secure connection between devices allowing users to share specific information. These connections are usually within a close range, around thirty feet. This type of connection is less restricted compared to wired connections. 

Photo by Petri R on Unsplash

Wireless products are much more convenient compared to wired connections. There was no need for Bluetooth before. However, the breakthrough idea created convenience. Many products aren't a need, but because of advances in tech, these items are much more attractive to the average consumer. 

These devices would typically need a wired connection to communicate with each other. With trends, buyers are more likely to purchase Apple because of their reputation for advancements in making things easier to use. These devices can transfer and share data instantly without connecting to wires. 

Why does one device I own say Bluetooth 2.0, but another says 3.2?
Like WiFi and other technology, Bluetooth improves and provides more benefits with each version. Products that were new in the past were created with the highest version of Bluetooth available at that time. While your products aren't considered useless now, they don't connect to the newest version. 

So, will there be anything better? How long before this is replaced by something else? 

There is no reason to not enjoy what you like. Products will continue to become better and more convenient; innovation is part of what makes technology great. As we experience life with technology, we will only see more changes in what we are used to now. 

