ChatGPT, why is it controversial?

 AI technology has been on the news lately. But why? 

What is so appealing about artificial technology, and why is it dangerous?

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Artificial intelligence has disrupted the market for many industries in the last couple of weeks. With continued changes with how technology changes, this year has seen the most change with AI being at the forefront of current applications. 

OpenAI is an American research company that has developed systems with the intention creating friendly AI for public use. ChatGPT has been the most prevalent of what AI has become. ChatGPT is similar to a Google search, by typing into the bottom tab the user receives a generated response. This system is faster than the average web search engine. There are a list of benefits that outweigh the cons this sort of system. The most useful being the quick generation of prompts or ideas. 

Why is this a bad thing? 

As of recent the program has allowed users to steal original work and ideas. The other is creating essays and other work in an instant without having done any of the work. Sure, the benefit of typing a few words into a text box and generating a book seems like fun, but when the system begins to replace jobs we enter a bigger scale issue. 

As of April of 2023, there are more than a dozen AI systems that allow the user to generate art and graphics with only a few words. Not everyone is able to create digital art, however there is an ethics issue when it comes to AI generating art. The AI systems read and feed information but they must get their source from a location, they do not create a brand new item without having an item to reference. 

This is where the problem lies

From this screenshot we are able to see the type of art that AI systems are currently generating. These are significantly similar to the motion pictures and film posters we are seeing in 2023. As great as some of these images are, they are copying styles that artists have perfected. The AI is essentially stealing the work of these artists by generating similar or exact images without crediting the original.

This is what makes AI dangerous, it hasn't had any control as of late. There has been seemingly more development for these applications to attempt to generate specialized services. Companies have begun adopting AI to replace jobs in various fields. We as a society could use this technology as a benefit and a way to create ideas, but to replace jobs entirely would be a shift that would disrupt many industries.
